This is the fifth post in the series of kawaii blog tips and tricks in which I am sharing my thoughts about how to blog. Most things I have learned through trial and error blogging and through endless Google searches. I have made an endless row of mistakes so this is my way of maybe helping others avoid those time consuming detours. In this post I will share 6 useful things which might help you to improve your blog in different ways. Some of these tips I have mentioned briefly before and some are new ones. I hope they will be of use to you and feel free to comment and ask if you have any questions.
1. First up is a blog post I found some time ago. It is an Australian blogger who describes her experiences when going to a big blog convent where she got to participate in a series of educational blog seminars. She shares the things she learned and she is funny while doing it! Retromummy – Top 50 things I learnt at Blogopolis 2011
2. Read up on SEO. Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is basically the art of how to adapt your website so that it preforms well with Google and other search engines. Unfortunately the subject can be quite complex but there are some easy changes one can make that will make the world of difference for your traffic. To find the info I would suggest to do a Google search with 'SEO' plus your blog platform like 'SEO for WordPress'.
3. Do a SEO analysis for free here and you will get some basic pointers on what you could improve.
3. Get a statistic tool. There are several free tools that will help you see how much and what type of traffic you are receiving. I use Statcounter and Google Analytics.
4. Use your statistics. It is pointless to look at stats if you do not use the information in some way. Let the statistics tell you what to do. With a statistic tool you can see where all your traffic come from. Is it Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or maybe blogs that you have commented on or from the giveaway you sponsored? Put your time and effort where you get the results. For me it is a mix of many different channels like the once mentioned before.
5. Befriend your competition. What other blogs are there that write about the same things? Contact them, bee generous and retweet, blog and facebook about your fellow bloggers and I promise you that you eventually will get love and retweets in return. For me Twitter is the best social platform to find other bloggers and cute shops etc.
6. Post quality content. This is maybe the most important thing of all because if your readers don't find your posts interesting it doesn't matter how good your SEO are the readers will not come back to you. So how do I know what works? Look at what posts get the most comments, retweets, traffic and such. Also keep an eye on what other people do that seem to work for them, could you do something similar but in your own way?